El Capitan, California

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have. A member of Kelsey National will contact you as soon as possible.

Company Address
Kelsey National Corporation
3030 South Bundy Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Contact Information
P: (800) 366.5656 toll-free
P: (310) 390.1000 local area
FAX: (310) 390.3158
Media Contact
For public relations or marketing inquiries, please contact:
Avery Smith
Director of Business Development and Marketing
P: (310) 437.7217
If you have any information regarding fraudulent insurance activity, you may report it by writing to us at:

Kelsey National Corporation
Attn: Nayri Horvat
3030 South Bundy Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90066

Information you should include in your statement:
  • Name of suspected individual(s)
  • Date of fraud or when you became aware of the activity
  • Detailed description of the alleged fraudulent activity
  • Your name, phone number, and email address (if you don’t wish to remain anonymous)
  • Can we contact you?

You have the option of providing this information anonymously. Should you choose to give your name and contact information, you could be named as the provider of this tip, in the event these records are subpoenaed or required by a court in discovery. Additionally, your decision to withhold some information regarding the fraud claim may impede or preclude the investigation of your tip by the Company’s fraud officer or other enforcement agencies. By voluntarily providing this tip, you are consenting to the Company’s use and maintenance of the information. Any information you provide may be used for investigative purposes and may be shared as required by law or other routine uses.

GEt a Quote

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to assist you.

Kelsey National Corporation
3030 South Bundy Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90066

P: (800) 366.5656